SALTCOTE PLACE Rye Covid-19 Risk assessment - Saltcote Place
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Covid-19 Risk Assessment

Your safety is our primary concern.

Visit Britain Approved

The recommended way to deal with the risk of Coronavirus is to: Minimise risks wherever possible.

We go back to the nice basics and speak with each other before arrival to ensure we cover the risks. For this reason and because it’s cheaper for you we recommend you book directly. Call us on 01797 222220 after 9pm leave a message and we will call you back. You can Book Directly with us here

When we talk we will briefly make sure that we discuss and identify any risks and concerns you may have.

Have you had a test ?

We have, and we will continue to do so. We had our first Jabs on 16th of February without any significant side effects and would ask any guests to be able to demonstrate the same.

Please consider calling the testing service on 119 they will post a kit to your home. We attended a drive on Saturday afternoon and had the results by Sunday lunchtime – both negative.

Symptoms of coronavirus

A dry non productive cough. A high temperature and a shortness of breath, in some cases a loss of taste and smell also happen.

These symptoms do not necessarily mean you have the illness. Symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu.

How coronavirus is spread.

Airborne and spread by coughs, sneezes and other droplets. Touch points such as handles and other hard surfaces can all help the virus to spread. Hand sanitisation is available upon arrival. Masks should be worn at arrival and when walking around the house, Whilst our cleaning routine is even more rigorous than before and all handles have been cleaned and sanitised we ask that all guests refrain from needlessly touching handles where possible.

Our Routines

Before Arrival

We have a chat to agree the time you intend to arrive. We can make sure all supplies are in place in good time, and ensure cleaning is completed and checked.

On arrival.

Please scan in using the NHS Covid App and sanitise your hands.

We will not be shaking hands. We may carry your bags if there are handles and our team are wearing gloves. A glass of wine is offered on arrival. Sociable distancing is observed in our spacious kitchen whilst we explain how to use the remotes and which gates to use.

The breakfast menu can be discussed over a glass of wine. We ensure sociable distancing guidelines are followed.

At Breakfast

We will have agreed the time after 9am. We only have two rooms in use so the other couple will also want breakfast. Continental breakfast in your room or under the Loggia is possible therefore subject to the weather you can enjoy the garden and views.


At breakfast couples sit opposite each other and there is easily more than a meter between couples.

In the evening

We are unable to enter your room during your stay.  We are unable to offer our usual turn down service, however nightcaps are offered with our compliments which are left on the table outside your room.

Whilst social distancing has its place for us to deliver what we do “It’s good to talk”.

Have you considered you may wish to bring your own pillows, we will not be offended. Our Pillows are all hypo allergenic with hollow fibre filling.

Your own Pillows?

Have you considered you may wish to bring your own pillows, we will not be offended. Our Pillows are all hypo allergenic with hollow fibre filling.

On departure

Departure is at 11am,  We will assist with your luggage, we prefer to bring it down from the rooms ourselves not only is it a nicety it also protects the paintwork ;-). Payment will be contactless. We can process the card you gave when booking or we can email you a link so that you can pay from your room so that again we mitigate any risk.

Just after you leave

We place a UV Lamp into your room which will remain on for 30 minutes. This protects our team. Your room will remain empty for at least an hour after which the room will be deep cleaned.

The UV Lamp is then left on for another 30 minutes prior to the room being available.


All cotton bedding and towels are washed here. The washing is done at a high temperature and then dried in a tumble dryer at high heat.

In Room refreshments are all sealed, it’s just another way to ensure we prevent transmission between us and between previous guests.

Your beds will be turned down with mint or chocolates on the pillow as you enter the room to avoid us re-entering for a turn down.


If you are staying with us and you are advised to isolate then your stay must be paid for at the same rate.

Cancellation Terms – Roll over

If you think you might have coronavirus or you’ve been in close contact with someone who has it and you need to take a roll over we understand.

We will roll over up to one year to ensure you can come to Rye able to enjoy your break. If you wish to gift the credit to another person that’s fine just share their details with us.

General Precautions

How to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus, these are the basics that we make no apology for repeating

Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds

Always wash your hands when entering or leaving Saltcote Place

Please use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available

Please cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze

Please put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards

Please try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell or you consider may place you at risk

Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth at all times.

We have placed anti-bacterial hand sanitizer and extra tissues in communal areas around our home.

We have increased cleaning regime in public areas, bedrooms, function rooms and behind the scenes.

Our staff are aware not to come to work if they feel they have been placed at risk. Additional training and awareness of recommended procedures is in place and will change depending upon the circumstances.

Extra cleaning and decontamination procedures will be implemented, in line with WHO/ NHS/Government guidance for environmental cleaning including fogging (following a suspected or actual case of COVID-19)

You are welcome to attend Saltcote Place as planned, assuming you have not recently travelled from a designated high-risk area or country.

What to do if you are at Saltcote Place and start to feel unwell?

Please contact us BY PHONE or email to advise us of any changes to your plans. Be sure to discuss your options with us about any required amendments to bookings already made. We will ask you to remain in your room until qualified Medical advice has been received.

Please contact 111 as soon as possible for assessment and advice, the default advice is for individuals to isolate themselves at home. If this is possible or appropriate, please return home as soon as possible and follow advice given by NHS 111.

Please share advice given to you by NHS 111 advice line and authorise them to speak with us about your care requirements and what additional precautions we should take.

Where possible, please use your mobile phone to call, as this will make it easier for call back and follow-up contacts, if required.

In order to reduce risk and for infection control, please ensure that you

o remain at least 1 metre from other people

o avoid touching people, surfaces and objects

o cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze and put the tissue in a bag or pocket then throw the tissue in the bin.

o If you don’t have any tissues available, you should please cough and sneeze into the crook of your elbow

o If you they need to go to the bathroom whilst waiting for medical assistance, you should use the facilities that are part of your suite and should not use other facilities at Saltcote Place.

Meals or refreshments can be delivered to you by way of Room Service. Any supplies needed such as bedding, towels, tissues etc. can be delivered and left outside your room to minimise risk.

If you have any other questions about this situation please speak with us.

Please feel free to contact us on 01797 222 220 if you have enquiries regarding any confirmed or potential bookings

We hope the information provided will give you reassurance that we are proactively about risk mitigation.

We want you to enjoy our five star service regardless of Covid.

Many thanks for your support and understanding.