Saltcote Place provides location and hospitality services: these services are offered to you conditional upon your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions of Business.
Your use of the Saltcote web sites at and constitutes your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to be legally bound by these terms, please do not use our web site or our services. Our Terms of Business may change at any time although not retrospectively; you are advised to check each time you use our services, as you will be bound by the Terms and Charges applicable at the time of making your booking.
“Day”: is defined as 8 hours, additional hours are billed proportionally ;
“Accommodation”: is made available for the named persons for their use and does not form part of the “shoot” facilities. The accommodation is available from 2pm on the day or earlier by arrangement and should be vacated by 11am on the day of departure otherwise an additional day is billable.
“Venue”: Land, property and facilites owned controlled or made available by Saltcote Place.
“Agent”: i.e. any entity representing the interests of Saltcote Place, the appointed agent of the Property owner, or any of its associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies or sublicencees;
“Images”: the images of and / or web images of saltcote place, and our facilities.
“Hirer”: any company, individual or third party utilising any of the services provided by the Agency;
“Owner”: the individual, company or legal entity which owns, controls or represents the Property;
“Charges”: the venue fee and or any commission which may be chargeable by the Agent to the Hirer and/or Owner;
“Recce”: a “reconnaissance” visit to the Property by the Hirer or his/her representatives;
“Shoot”: the use of a Property by the Hirer, whether for the purposes of filming, photography, or any other kind of event.
“Parking and Grounds”: All arrivals must park responsibly, no one is to drive on the grassed area’s unless agreed in writing.
Images downloaded from the website and / or any other material supplied to the Hirer by the Agent may be used for reference only, and may be printed for private, non-commercial use only. No user of the services may copy, reproduce, publish, or transmit the images or any other supplied materials in any way, without the Agent’s prior express permission. No user may edit, alter or crop any of the images supplied, or downloaded from the websites. All images and information supplied are copyright of Saltcote Place, unless otherwise indicated. All users must agree to use any supplied material only for lawful purposes.
There is no charge for using the Agent’s web site(s), nor for organising a Recce, however the confirmation of, and usage of Saltcote Place will be subject to a Hire fee based on the agreed day rate, and will usually involve and additional accommodation fee.
All charges must be paid in full by the invoice date and no later than the last day of the hire. Prep and strike days are normally charged at the agreed day rate. Overtime payments, cleaning charges, reparation of damage (if applicable) will be invoiced after the Shoot, and must be paid by the invoice date. Outstanding sums due to Saltcote Place will carry interest in accordance with UK Late Payment of Debts legislation.
After confirmation by email or verbal, Saltcote Place will have begun processing paperwork and invoicing: as such, the full fee becomes due after confirmation and is not refundable. Verbal confirmation is deemed to be full confirmation. Bookings cancelled more than 48 hours before the start of the period of use will be charged for the first day at the agreed hire rate, Accommodation cancelled will be charged in accordance with the accommodation terms and conditions see Accommodation Terms. If the cancellation is less than 48 hours before the start of the period of use then the full fee is payable.
Although every effort has been taken to ensure the images and particulars presented are up-to-date, no warranty is given or implied that Saltcote Place is suitable for the intended purpose of your Hire. The display or provision of images and/or particulars do not constitute any part of an offer or contract and are for guidance purposes only. None of the descriptions on the websites nor those provided by any representative of the Agency may be relied upon as statements of fact.
The Agent cannot insist, but highly recommends that a Recce take place so the Hirer can establish for themselves the availability and/or suitability of Saltcote Place. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ascertain the status of the Property and its suitability, and to ensure that all necessary permissions are in place prior to the commencement of the Shoot. Neither the Agent nor the Owner can accept responsibility for loss, damage or inconvenience that may occur when a Recce did not take place. At the time of any such Recce, the Hirer assumes full legal responsibility for equipment and/or personnel that enter the Property.
All location hire is subject to agreement, and the Owner reserves the absolute right to refuse the booking. The Hirer must provide proof of Public Liability Insurance prior to entering the Premises for the purposes of the Shoot.
All details and information released by the Agent to the Hirer are confidential and shall be used for the purposes of the production only and may not be released to any third party under any circumstances unless necessary for the purposes of the production. “Recce photographs” taken by a Hirer, or their representative, who visits a supplied location are for reference use only, and for the sole use of the production for which they are taken. Such recce photographs and / or any other reference material, including contact details, must not subsequently be used for financial, corporate or personal gain.
Saltcote Place highly recommends that a qualified Location Manager be employed by the Hirer to oversee the Shoot, to organise access, parking, permissions and responsible care of the Property. Responsibility for the notification of relevant authorities, and the notification of neighbours in association with Saltcote Place, entirely rests with the Hirer. The Agent will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the Hire. The total extent of any liability shall in any event not exceed 10 percent in total of the Charges and/or Commissions that have been paid if applicable.
Saltcote Place is committed to preserving the privacy of all visitors. By registering, requesting information or otherwise contacting us through this site, you consent to the collection, use and transfer of your information by us. We will only ever use such information lawfully. We use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests, providing our services, and communicating with you. We will never impart your information to a third party, except with your express permission, and in the course of providing our service to you: i.e. when negotiating or drawing up a Location Agreement with a location owner. Where we engage other companies to perform functions on our behalf, these companies do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information that you provide to Saltcote Place for any secondary purposes.
The Hirer is responsible for returning Saltcote to the same condition as seen at the time of take over, any additional costs relating to cleaning or damage will be recoverable.
Saltcote Place is a three phase building and has available a 63amp Ceeform supply available at an additional cost.
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